Stock Photos

All stock photo images included in Allwebco templates are shot and owned by Allwebco Design. These images are exclusively sold with Allwebco templates and are not available on any other website.

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All template photos are standard .jpg images. If you have purchased an Allwebco template you may freely use all included template images on your website on the template pages. Images are copyrighted by Allwebco and may not be resold. Optionally, all images can be replaced, or edited, including all "linked" Flash and jQuery animated images.

Easy Difficulty
All template images are standard .jpg images and are easily replaced with standard .jpg images.

Flash Images
Easy Difficulty
All animated Flash template images are "linked" images and are easily replaced with standard .jpg images. Flash software is not required to edit any images.

jQuery Images
Easy Difficulty
All animated jQuery template images are "linked" images and are easily replaced with standard .jpg images. Additional software is not required.